Cumulus Droplet with comments?
Cumulus Droplet with comments?
- Subject: Cumulus Droplet with comments?
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:39:00 -0600
Greetings, ScriptWarriors!
I need to take my finder comments scripting to the next level [many, many
thanks, Michelle, for your previous lessons. This grasshopper is grateful.]
I need my droplet to do this:
I drop a folder of photo files, usually tiffs, onto the droplet.
The finder gets the contents of each item's finder comments window and
passes it off to Cumulus.
Then, cumulus makes a new catalog, adds the photos to the catalog and sets
the "notes" field of each asset according to each photo's finder comments.
Here's what I've started with:
on open (itemList)
repeat with thisItem in the itemList
tell application "Finder"
set itemName to name of thisItem
set itemComment to comment of thisItem
set itempath to container of thisItem as text
end tell
tell application "Cumulus 5 Client"
-- do something neat
end tell
end repeat
end open
What I'm currently stuck on is the syntax for telling cumulus to make a new
catalog with the droplet's list of files.
Any leads, folks?
T.J. Mahaffey