Reality Checked - Exists? = True
Reality Checked - Exists? = True
- Subject: Reality Checked - Exists? = True
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 15:53:26 -0500
- Priority: normal
First off, I want to thank everyone for the "warm fuzzies". That, and the
weekend gave me a new perspective. Next, I'll answer questions:
Bryan: All my files are PageMaker 6.52 (Extension p65). My script is
printing them to .ps files (Ext .ps). From there I wish to distill to
Acrobat PDF (Ext .pdf).
Christopher: I'm using the standard Script Editor (Version 1.6)
Hans: I have maybe two weeks before I'd have to abandon this idea and
start working on it manually. Actually, that may be pushing it.
Nigel: The final PDF's need to contain the following Metadata: Title -
Same as the Filename
Subject - Used in Document Header varies widely Author - Jerry me (Not at
all critical)
Keywords - Lists the Document "Form Number(s)" (Our Retrieval Number)
Finally, my script as it stands now:
tell application "Finder"
set filelist to files of folder "FilesToConvert"
end tell
repeat with aFile in filelist
tell application "Adobe PageMaker 6.5"
open aFile
with timeout of 3*60 seconds
set newfilename to name of aFile
if newfilename ends with ".p65" then
set newfilename to ("" & ".ps") as text
if (count of newfilename) > 28 then set newfilename to (items 1
thru -5 of name of aFile) as text
end if
tell application "PmScript" to run script "PrintToPSFile"
close without saving
end timeout
end tell
end repeat
My PageMaker Script "PrintToPSFile" again:
Print 1, 0, -2, """.ps"
It seems to get there, but always highlites - run script "PrintToPSFile"
and displays this message - PmScript got an error: AppleEvent timed out
I've run the PageMaker Script by itself within the App and it runs fine
and produces the proper file with no problem. The above script was written
using 4 or 5 peoples posted snipnets. I know I'm getting close. Any other
Jerry me