How do I read from disk file?
How do I read from disk file?
- Subject: How do I read from disk file?
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2001 16:27:42 EDT
I need some help with reading the file below from disk into filemaker. I am not familiar with how to set pathnames and need to find a reference guide this weekend.
I can run the script from Filemaker Pro using Perform Applescript from field. Can someone please give me a hint or two to load a filemaker variable with text from the file stored on disk.
Performing a POST Event
URL Access Sripting example below
set the action_URL to ""
display dialog "City State / ZIP Code Associations" & return & return & ,
"If you enter a city and state (for example: Memphis TN ), " & ,
"this script will display any associated ZIP Codes." & return & return & ,
"If you enter a ZIP Code (for example: 94116 ), " & ,
"it will display any associated cities." default answer "Cupertino CA"
set the user_entry to the text returned of the result
if the user_entry is not "" then exit repeat
end repeat
set the form_data to "ctystzip=" & user_entry
set the query_results_file to (path to desktop folder as text) & "Query Results"
with timeout of 300 seconds -- try connecting for 5 minutes
tell application "URL Access Scripting"
download the action_URL to file ,
the query_results_file form data form_data replacing yes with progress
end tell
end timeout
tell application "Finder"
set the creator type of the file query_results_file to "hbwr"
open the file query_results_file
end tell
on error the error_message number error_number
tell application "URL Access Scripting" to quit
if the error_number is not -128 then
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
display dialog the error_message buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end tell
end if
end try