Make list of all files in folder?
Make list of all files in folder?
- Subject: Make list of all files in folder?
- From: Rachel Cogent <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2001 18:23:00 -0600
I am attempting to make a list of all the files in a folder and subfolders,
however the "entire contents of" returns an empty list. I have looked all
over the Finder dictionary how to do this. does it say this stuff anywhere
in plain language? Is this how it is, every little step of the way is a huge
obstacle? Please tell me there is a way to learn this stuff without posting
a question and waiting for every little modification.
tell application "Finder"
set sel to selection as alias
if (sel's kind) = "folder" then
set allFiles to <<entire contents of>> sel's files as alias
on error errMsg number errNum
set allFiles to sel's files as alias as list
end try
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
tell me to display dialog errMsg & return & return & errNum
end try
end tell