Scripting Page Setup using Server Events
Scripting Page Setup using Server Events
- Subject: Scripting Page Setup using Server Events
- From: Cameron Smith <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 16:31:35 -0800
Running under OS 10.2.x or 10.3.x, has anyone had success with
scripting the standard Page Setup window using Server Events? It seems
like such a basic, natural thing to do, that I'm surprised that I'm
having trouble with it. I'm also surprised that I've found no reference
to any attempts to do this on this list or anywhere else.
Although my ultimate goal is to script the printing of batches of pdfs
from Acrobat, the Page Setup problem appears to be the same in Acrobat
and Preview, so my example script here uses Preview. I've relied
heavily on the UI Inspector and PreFab's UI Browser to get this far:
tell application "Preview" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Preview"
pick menu item "Page Setup" of menu "File" of menu bar item "File"
of menu bar 1
click radio button 1 of radio group 1 of UI element 1 of UI element 3
of sheet "Page Setup" of window "1_Front_small.jpg"
set value of text field 1 of UI element 1 of UI element 3 of sheet
"Page Setup" of window "1_Front_small.jpg" to "90"
value of text field 1 of UI element 1 of UI element 3 of sheet "Page
Setup" of window "1_Front_small.jpg"
end tell
end tell
The first two commands work: the Page Setup menu command is chosen and
the Page Setup sheet appears, and then one of the radio buttons in the
Page Setup sheet is picked.
The third command (just below the blank line) should set the page to
print at 90%. But the value never changes, either visually or in any
sense "internally", as evidenced by the getting of the value, which
returns the original, unaltered value.
Similarly, I can choose a menu item for the top pop up button (popup
menu), but not for the other two.
Is this a well-known issue that I've just tuned out because I haven't
needed it before? Or are others' experiences with Page Setup different
than mine?
Thanks for any comments.
Cameron Smith
Cutting Edge Technology Services, Inc.
Nanaimo, BC
tel: 1.250.729.9515 fax: 1.250.729.8201
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