Re: Moving files from desktop to User folders
Re: Moving files from desktop to User folders
- Subject: Re: Moving files from desktop to User folders
- From: Gary Lists <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 13:46:28 -0500
On or about 1/5/03 9:47 PM, Paul Berkowitz wrote:
3) That still leaves out masses of special folders obtainable by using
special 4-character strings. This list is available only on that famous
resource "Chris Nebel's iDisk": I think that's
> . try
path to "docs"
for starters.
And for more than starters...since there is some interest in what is called
the FindFolder features of the Folder Manager:
1. You can find out more about the general subject, and begin to explorer
the 'FindFolder' (not AS...C) tools in the developer docs, by visiting:
2. And more about the general folders header underpinnings:
3. And for _really_ on... clipped from Apple's folders.h
header file, which would need to be included in apps using CarbonLib and
later. The 4-character codes are a handy feature, especially when users may
have (if possible given folder's ability to be) renamed the danged thing.
[A BIT LONG...but very useful...sorry]
[Edited from the header file...]
File: CarbonCore/Folders.h
Contains: Folder Manager Interfaces.
Version: CarbonCore-315.14~1
Copyright: ) 1995-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
kSystemFolderType = 'macs', /* the system folder */
kDesktopFolderType = 'desk', /* the desktop folder; objects in
this folder show on the desk top. */
kSystemDesktopFolderType = 'sdsk', /* the desktop folder at the root
of the hard drive, never the redirected user desktop folder */
kTrashFolderType = 'trsh', /* the trash folder; objects in
this folder show up in the trash */
kSystemTrashFolderType = 'strs', /* the trash folder at the root of
the drive, never the redirected user trash folder */
kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType = 'empt', /* the "empty trash" folder;
Finder starts empty from here down */
kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType = 'prnt', /* Print Monitor documents */
kStartupFolderType = 'strt', /* Finder objects (applications,
documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at startup go here */
kShutdownFolderType = 'shdf', /* Finder objects (applications,
documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at shutdown go here */
kAppleMenuFolderType = 'amnu', /* Finder objects to put into the
Apple menu go here */
kControlPanelFolderType = 'ctrl', /* Control Panels go here (may
contain INITs) */
kSystemControlPanelFolderType = 'sctl', /* System control panels folder -
never the redirected one, always "Control Panels" inside the System Folder
kExtensionFolderType = 'extn', /* System extensions go here */
kFontsFolderType = 'font', /* Fonts go here */
kPreferencesFolderType = 'pref', /* preferences for applications go
here */
kSystemPreferencesFolderType = 'sprf', /* System-type Preferences go here
- this is always the system's preferences folder, never a logged in user's
kTemporaryFolderType = 'temp' /* temporary files go here (deleted
periodically, but don't rely on it.) */
kExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'extD',
kControlPanelDisabledFolderType = 'ctrD',
kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType = 'macD',
kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType = 'strD',
kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType = 'shdD',
kApplicationsFolderType = 'apps',
kDocumentsFolderType = 'docs'
/* new constants */
kVolumeRootFolderType = 'root', /* root folder of a volume */
kChewableItemsFolderType = 'flnt', /* items deleted at boot */
kApplicationSupportFolderType = 'asup', /* third-party items and folders
kTextEncodingsFolderType = 'tex', /* encoding tables */
kStationeryFolderType = 'odst', /* stationery */
kOpenDocFolderType = 'odod', /* OpenDoc root */
kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderType = 'odsp', /* OpenDoc Shell Plug-Ins in
OpenDoc folder */
kEditorsFolderType = 'oded', /* OpenDoc editors in MacOS Folder
kOpenDocEditorsFolderType = 'odf', /* OpenDoc subfolder of Editors
folder */
kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType = 'odlb', /* OpenDoc libraries folder */
kGenEditorsFolderType = 'edi', /* CKH general editors folder at
root level of Sys folder */
kHelpFolderType = 'hlp', /* CKH help folder currently at
root of system folder */
kInternetPlugInFolderType = 'net', /* CKH internet plug ins for
browsers and stuff */
kModemScriptsFolderType = 'mod', /* CKH modem scripts, get 'em OUT
of the Extensions folder */
kPrinterDescriptionFolderType = 'ppdf', /* CKH new folder at root of
System folder for printer descs. */
kPrinterDriverFolderType = 'prd', /* CKH new folder at root of
System folder for printer drivers */
kScriptingAdditionsFolderType = 'scr', /* CKH at root of system folder */
kSharedLibrariesFolderType = 'lib', /* CKH for general shared libs. */
kVoicesFolderType = 'fvoc', /* CKH macintalk can live here */
kControlStripModulesFolderType = 'sdev', /* CKH for control strip modules
kAssistantsFolderType = 'ast', /* SJF for Assistants (MacOS Setup
Assistant, etc) */
kUtilitiesFolderType = 'uti', /* SJF for Utilities folder */
kAppleExtrasFolderType = 'aex', /* SJF for Apple Extras folder */
kContextualMenuItemsFolderType = 'cmnu', /* SJF for Contextual Menu items
kMacOSReadMesFolderType = 'mor', /* SJF for MacOS ReadMes folder */
kALMModulesFolderType = 'walk', /* EAS for Location Manager Module
files except type 'thng' (within kExtensionFolderType) */
kALMPreferencesFolderType = 'trip', /* EAS for Location Manager
Preferences (within kPreferencesFolderType; contains
kALMLocationsFolderType) */
kALMLocationsFolderType = 'fall', /* EAS for Location Manager
Locations (within kALMPreferencesFolderType) */
kColorSyncProfilesFolderType = 'prof', /* for ColorSync Profiles */
kThemesFolderType = 'thme', /* for Theme data files */
kFavoritesFolderType = 'favs', /* Favorties folder for Navigation
Services */
kInternetFolderType = 'int', /* Internet folder (root level of
startup volume) */
kAppearanceFolderType = 'appr', /* Appearance folder (root of
system folder) */
kSoundSetsFolderType = 'snds', /* Sound Sets folder (in
Appearance folder) */
kDesktopPicturesFolderType = 'dtp', /* Desktop Pictures folder (in
Appearance folder) */
kInternetSearchSitesFolderType = 'issf', /* Internet Search Sites folder
kFindSupportFolderType = 'fnds', /* Find support folder */
kFindByContentFolderType = 'fbcf', /* Find by content folder */
kInstallerLogsFolderType = 'ilgf', /* Installer Logs folder */
kScriptsFolderType = 'scr', /* Scripts folder */
kFolderActionsFolderType = 'fasf', /* Folder Actions Scripts folder
kLauncherItemsFolderType = 'laun', /* Launcher Items folder */
kRecentApplicationsFolderType = 'rapp', /* Recent Applications folder */
kRecentDocumentsFolderType = 'rdoc', /* Recent Documents folder */
kRecentServersFolderType = 'rsvr', /* Recent Servers folder */
kSpeakableItemsFolderType = 'spki', /* Speakable Items folder */
kKeychainFolderType = 'kchn', /* Keychain folder */
kQuickTimeExtensionsFolderType = 'qtex', /* QuickTime Extensions Folder
(in Extensions folder) */
kDisplayExtensionsFolderType = 'dspl', /* Display Extensions Folder (in
Extensions folder) */
kMultiprocessingFolderType = 'mpxf', /* Multiprocessing Folder (in
Extensions folder) */
kPrintingPlugInsFolderType = 'pplg' /* Printing Plug-Ins Folder (in
Extensions folder) */
/* New Folder Types to accommodate the Mac OS X Folder Manager */
/* These folder types are not applicable on Mac OS 9. */
kDomainTopLevelFolderType = 'dtop', /* The top-level of a Folder
domain, e.g. "/System"*/
kDomainLibraryFolderType = 'dlib', /* the Library subfolder of a
particular domain*/
kColorSyncFolderType = 'sync', /* Contains ColorSync-related
kColorSyncCMMFolderType = 'ccmm', /* ColorSync CMMs*/
kColorSyncScriptingFolderType = 'cscr', /* ColorSync Scripting support*/
kPrintersFolderType = 'impr', /* Contains Printing-related
kSpeechFolderType = 'spch', /* Contains Speech-related
kCarbonLibraryFolderType = 'carb', /* Contains Carbon-specific file*/
kDocumentationFolderType = 'info', /* Contains Documentation files
(not user documents)*/
kDeveloperDocsFolderType = 'ddoc', /* Contains Developer
Documentation files and folders*/
kDeveloperHelpFolderType = 'devh', /* Contains Developer Help related
kISSDownloadsFolderType = 'issd', /* Contains Internet Search Sites
downloaded from the Internet*/
kUserSpecificTmpFolderType = 'utmp', /* Contains temporary items
created on behalf of the current user*/
kCachedDataFolderType = 'cach', /* Contains various cache files
for different clients*/
kFrameworksFolderType = 'fram', /* Contains MacOS X Framework
folders */
kPrivateFrameworksFolderType = 'pfrm', /* Contains MacOS X Private
Framework folders */
kClassicDesktopFolderType = 'sdsk', /* MacOS 9 compatible desktop
folder - same as */
/* kSystemDesktopFolderType but with
a more appropriate*/
/* name for Mac OS X code.*/
kDeveloperFolderType = 'devf', /* Contains MacOS X Developer
kSystemSoundsFolderType = 'ssnd', /* Contains Mac OS X System Sound
kComponentsFolderType = 'cmpd', /* Contains Mac OS X components*/
kQuickTimeComponentsFolderType = 'wcmp', /* Contains QuickTime components
for Mac OS X*/
kCoreServicesFolderType = 'csrv', /* Refers to the "CoreServices"
folder on Mac OS X*/
kPictureDocumentsFolderType = 'pdoc', /* Refers to the "Pictures" folder
in a users home directory*/
kMovieDocumentsFolderType = 'mdoc', /* Refers to the "Movies" folder
in a users home directory*/
kMusicDocumentsFolderType = '5doc', /* Refers to the "Music" folder in
a users home directory*/
kInternetSitesFolderType = 'site', /* Refers to the "Sites" folder in
a users home directory*/
kPublicFolderType = 'pubb', /* Refers to the "Public" folder
in a users home directory*/
kAudioSupportFolderType = 'adio', /* Refers to the Audio support
folder for Mac OS X*/
kAudioSoundsFolderType = 'asnd', /* Refers to the Sounds subfolder
of Audio Support*/
kAudioSoundBanksFolderType = 'bank', /* Refers to the Banks subfolder
of the Sounds Folder*/
kAudioAlertSoundsFolderType = 'alrt', /* Refers to the Alert Sounds
subfolder of the Sound Folder*/
kAudioPlugInsFolderType = 'aplg', /* Refers to the Plug-ins
subfolder of the Audio Folder */
kAudioComponentsFolderType = 'acmp', /* Refers to the Components
subfolder of the Audio Plug-ins Folder */
kKernelExtensionsFolderType = 'kext', /* Refers to the Kernel Extensions
Folder on Mac OS X*/
kDirectoryServicesFolderType = 'dsrv', /* Refers to the Directory
Services folder on Mac OS X*/
kDirectoryServicesPlugInsFolderType = 'dplg', /* Refers to the Directory
Services Plug-Ins folder on Mac OS X */
kInstallerReceiptsFolderType = 'rcpt', /* Refers to the "Receipts" folder
in Mac OS X*/
kFileSystemSupportFolderType = 'fsys', /* Refers to the
[domain]/Library/Filesystems folder in Mac OS X*/
kAppleShareSupportFolderType = 'shar', /* Refers to the
[domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare folder in Mac OS X*/
kAppleShareAuthenticationFolderType = 'auth', /* Refers to the
[domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare/Authentication folder in Mac OS X*/
kMIDIDriversFolderType = 'midi' /* Refers to the MIDI Drivers
folder on Mac OS X*/
kLocalesFolderType = 'loc', /* PKE for Locales folder */
kFindByContentPluginsFolderType = 'fbcp' /* Find By Content Plug-ins */
kUsersFolderType = 'usrs', /* "Users" folder, contains one
folder for each user. */
kCurrentUserFolderType = 'cusr', /* The folder for the currently
logged on user. */
kCurrentUserRemoteFolderLocation = 'rusf', /* The remote folder for the
currently logged on user */
kCurrentUserRemoteFolderType = 'rusr', /* The remote folder location for
the currently logged on user */
kSharedUserDataFolderType = 'sdat', /* A Shared "Documents" folder,
readable & writeable by all users */
kVolumeSettingsFolderType = 'vsfd' /* Volume specific user information
goes here */
kAppleshareAutomountServerAliasesFolderType = 'srv', /* Appleshare puts
volumes to automount inside this folder. */
kPreMacOS91ApplicationsFolderType = 'epps', /* The "Applications" folder,
pre Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91InstallerLogsFolderType = 'nlgf', /* The "Installer Logs"
folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91AssistantsFolderType = 'est', /* The "Assistants" folder, pre
Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91UtilitiesFolderType = '|ti', /* The "Utilities" folder, pre
Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91AppleExtrasFolderType = 'eex', /* The "Apple Extras" folder,
pre Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91MacOSReadMesFolderType = '5or', /* The "Mac OS ReadMes"
folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91InternetFolderType = 'nnt', /* The "Internet" folder, pre Mac
OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91AutomountedServersFolderType = '_rv', /* The "Servers" folder,
pre Mac OS 9.1 */
kPreMacOS91StationeryFolderType = 'xdst' /* The "Stationery" folder, pre
Mac OS 9.1 */
/* special folder locations */
kBlessedFolder = 'blsf',
kRootFolder = 'rotf'
kCurrentUserFolderLocation = 'cusf' /* the magic 'Current User'
folder location*/
I see that the At Ease folders, although listed in Scripting Additions, are
not listed above in the folders section, and are not referenced below in the
At Ease specific information. I know they are in the Path To command for AS
before 1.5.5...I'll continue to look.
/* MultiUser (At Ease) globals */
This structure has been through some evolution since the early days of At
Ease 1.0. The structure
has been expanded (and developers should assume that it will continue
this way into the future). Older
fields have been obsoleted as the features have changed in newer versions
of the code.
/* Some fields in here are really only valid for the network version of
Macintosh Manager*/
struct MultiUserGestalt {
/* Version 1 fields.*/
short giVersion; /* structure version: 0 =
invalid, 6 = OS 9*/
short giReserved0; /* [OBSOLETE with v3]
giIsActive: if true then At Ease is currently running*/
short giReserved1; /* [OBSOLETE] if true then
auto create alias*/
short giReserved2; /* [OBSOLETE with v6] if true
then request floppy on new saves*/
short giReserved3; /* [OBSOLETE] if true then
hypercard stacks are shown on Applications panel*/
FSSpec giReserved4; /* [OBSOLETE with v6] location
of At Ease Items folder*/
/* Version 2 fields.*/
short giDocsVRefNum; /* vrefnum of user's documents
location (only valid if not on floppy)*/
long giDocsDirID; /* directory id of user's
documents folder (only valid if not on floppy)*/
short giForceSaves; /* true if user is forced to
save to their documents folder*/
short giForceOpens; /* true if user is forced to
open from their documents folder*/
Str31 giSetupName; /* name of current setup*/
Str31 giUserName; /* name of current user*/
Str31 giFrontAppName; /* name of the frontmost
short giReserved5; /* [OBSOLETE with v6] true if
user has Go To Finder menu item*/
short giIsOn; /* true if Multiple
Users/Macintosh Manager is on right now*/
/* Version 3 fields.*/
/* There were no additional
fields for version 3.x*/
/* Version 4 fields.*/
short giUserLoggedInType; /* 0 = normal user, 1 =
workgroup admin, 2 = global admin*/
char giUserEncryptPwd[16]; /* encrypted user password
(our digest form)*/
short giUserEnvironment; /* 0 = panels, 1 = normal
Finder, 2 = limited/restricted Finder*/
long giReserved6; /* [OBSOLETE]*/
long giReserved7; /* [OBSOLETE]*/
Boolean giDisableScrnShots; /* true if screen shots are
not allowed*/
/* Version 5 fields.*/
Boolean giSupportsAsyncFSCalls; /* Finder uses this to tell if
our patches support async trap patches*/
short giPrefsVRefNum; /* vrefnum of preferences*/
long giPrefsDirID; /* dirID of the At Ease Items
folder on preferences volume*/
unsigned long giUserLogInTime; /* time in seconds we've been
logged in (0 or 1 mean not logged in)*/
Boolean giUsingPrintQuotas; /* true if logged in user is
using printer quotas*/
Boolean giUsingDiskQuotas; /* true if logged in user has
disk quotas active*/
/* Version 6 fields - As of
Mac OS 9's "Multiple Users 1.0"*/
Boolean giInSystemAccess; /* true if system is in System
Access (i.e., owner logged in)*/
Boolean giUserFolderEnabled; /* true if FindFolder is
redirecting folders (uses giUserName for user)*/
short giReserved8;
long giReserved9;
Boolean giInLoginScreen; /* true if no user has logged
in (including owner)*/
/* May have more fields added
in future, so never check for sizeof(GestaltRec)*/
[ // END apple file ]
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