Re: [AS Users]Re: Quark Version Compile Trouble
Re: [AS Users]Re: Quark Version Compile Trouble
- Subject: Re: [AS Users]Re: Quark Version Compile Trouble
- From: Mátyás Ferenc Farkas <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 10:21:58 +0200
That's probably because the property is called "vertical measure".
Right, I mistyped it at the letter. Of course it is "vertical measure"
You'll have to post the relevant section of code for anyone to be able to
help you here, I suspect.
OK. You can download the script at:
It is a text file, and when you compile it it asks for the relevant version
of quark. And there it goes.
And the sections:
The "vertical measure" error with 5 asterisks:
tell application "Quark"
if not (exists document 1) then error "Nincs nyitott
if not (count document) = 1 then error "Csak egy dokumentum
lehet nyitva!"
tell document 1
if *****vertical measure***** millimeters then
set theMeas to vertical measure
set vertical measure to millimeters
set theMeasBit to true
end if
set theDoc to file path
set theDocName to name as string
set theStart to 1
set theEnd to (count pages)
tell application "Finder"
set theDocFolder to (folder of theDoc)
set theDate to (current date) as string
set theBleed to inputDialog(theText, theButton,
theDefBut) of me
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set theEPSfolder to make new folder at theDocFolder with
properties {name:"EPS pages " & (theDate's text items -10 thru -11 as
string) & "-" & (theDate's text items -7 thru -8 as string) & "-" &
(theDate's text items -1 thru -5 as string)}
end tell
inputDialog2(theText2, theStart, theEnd, theButton,
theDefBut) of me
end tell
on error errmsg number errnum
if errnum -128 then
tell application "Quark" to display dialog errmsg buttons
{"Js"} default button 1 with icon stop
my endProc()
end if
end try
end tell
The page with loop variable I error with 5 asterisks:
on saveEps(theStart, theEnd, theEPSfolder, theDocName, theBleed)
tell application "Quark"
repeat with i from theStart to theEnd
tell page *****I***** of document 1
save in (theEPSfolder as string) & theDocName & "_Page_" & i
& ".eps" as +class furl; EPS format Mac color EPS data binary EPS OPI
include images bleed theBleed scale 100 version vers current
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end saveEps
Matyas Ferenc Farkas
ICQ: 79057210
Email: email@hidden
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