Re: Writing Binary Files, Data Code Limitations, and Unicode Tables (not necessarily in that order)
Re: Writing Binary Files, Data Code Limitations, and Unicode Tables (not necessarily in that order)
- Subject: Re: Writing Binary Files, Data Code Limitations, and Unicode Tables (not necessarily in that order)
- From: BJ Terry <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:22:37 -0800
On Nov 20, 2003, at 12:55 PM, Michael Terry wrote:
Has anyone ever noticed that you can't compile data codes with 'run
script' if the number of characters in the string is too big? And too
big isn't even all that big. I can't compile
set d to "+data data0000;"
run script d
if I add enough zeros to make 'd' longer than 266 characters. "Way too
long, dude." I've wondered if that's one of Jon Pugh's...
Anyway, the reason I ask is because I was trying to write some data to
file, and it would go a lot faster if I didn't have to keep stopping
every so often to compile tiny little chunks of data. Unfortunately, I
can't see any way to write binary data to a file other than assembling
it via 'run script' first. Are there other options? If you wanted to
write out a list of unicode characters, how would you do it?
Here's my version:
property hexChars : "0123456789ABCDEF"
property bom : run script "<<data dataFEFF>>"
set startTime to current date
set fileRef to file specification (((path to temporary items) as
Unicode text) & "Unicode Table.txt")
open for access fileRef with write permission
write bom to fileRef
set codepoints to {}
set compilableBlock to ""
repeat with i from 1 to 16
repeat with j from 1 to 16
repeat with k from 1 to 16
repeat with l from 1 to 16
tell hexChars
set compilableBlock to compilableBlock & its item i & its item j & its
item k & its item l
end tell
end repeat
write (run script "<<data data" & compilableBlock & ">>") to fileRef
set compilableBlock to ""
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
close access fileRef
-- `60 sec
By my testing it's a tad bit faster than yours. You can speed it up by
writing the data directly to a file rather than saving it in a list
Newbie note: the >> and << must be replaced by bona fide French
guillemots. Shift-option-l and option-l on my computer.
[demime 0.98b removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which had a name of smime.p7s]
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