Re: How to script Safari to download a file
Re: How to script Safari to download a file
- Subject: Re: How to script Safari to download a file
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 07:32:32 -0400
Instead of using 'Safari', consider the code below.
----- Code starts here -----
set dateString to "dn" & (do shell script "date +%Y-%m%d") -- Get
'date's year, month, and day, and adds 'dn' before them.
set dateString02 to dateString & "-1_64kb.mp3" -- Get 'dateString'
and add '-1_64db.mp3' to end of it.
do shell script ("curl" &
dateString & "/" & dateString02 & " -o " & POSIX path of (((path to
desktop) as string) & dateString02))
----- Code ends here -----
Since it is now 17.07.2004 but only the 16.07.2004 '.mp3' file is
currently available - at the time of this reply - you may have to
temporarily comment out the 'set dateString ...' and add 'set
dateString to "dn2004-0716"', before the 'set dateString02 ...' line,
to test the above code.
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