Re: avoiding repetition
Re: avoiding repetition
- Subject: Re: avoiding repetition
- From: Walter Ian Kaye <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 01:02:03 -0700
At 09:06a +0200 07/20/2004, Bernard Azancot didst inscribe upon an
electronic papyrus:
Le 20 juil. 04, ` 07:00, Walter Ian Kaye
<email@hidden> a icrit :
I meant this:
duplicate {FolderA, FolderB} to {FolderC, FolderC} with replacing
Thanks Walter.
Have you tried this formulation ? Is it OK ?
No, I didn't try it. ::trying now::
Sorry, it doesn't work. As Shane suspected, it errors.
OK, the problem is just as Shane said, and this bug exists on 10.2.8.
'duplicate <list> to <folder> with replacing' is supposed to work,
but it does not.
Your syntax was correct; the Finder is broken.
Apple keeps playing with new iApps, and leaves the Finder to decay. :(
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