I am having problems with this script exceprt.
tell application "Mail" if not (exists (rule folder_name)) then set new_rule to make new rule at after rule 1 with properties {name:folder_name, move message:mailbox folder_name, stop evaluating rules:true} tell new_rule make new rule condition with properties {_expression_:address_, rule type:reply to, qualifier:does contain value, enabled:true} end tell end if end tell
The rule is created, however, only "stop evaluating rules" is shown as an action. in addition, if I remove "stop evaluating rules: true" from the script, it creates a rule to move the message, but shows "no mailbox selected."
The rule conditions show the rule type to be "from" instead of "reply to"; further, the rule is not enabled.
-- Power is the ability to not have to please.