From: Le Stang Jean-Baptiste
Sent: Friday, May 6, 2005 16:44 PM
To: Jan-Bultereys
Cc: email@hidden
Subject: Re: email-addresses are 1big email-address
On May 6, 2005, at 2:25 PM, Jan-Bultereys wrote:
set |to| to {"address1", "address2", "address3"}
hi, this is a piece in the variable used in Xmail.
It is working but when I receive it in my mailbox (outlook) I will see
the addresses like 1 big address, meaning
To: address1address2address3
Well I think that you are trying to use one of the (buggy) samples. This seems to be a coercion from a list of string to a string, like the
text item delimiter is not set to the good value (it my fault) the mail has a strange address.
set theRecipients to {"email@hidden","email@hidden",> ...> }
set myAddress to "email@hidden"
send mail to theRecipients from myAddress body "This is the body" subject "This is the subject" smtp server "mail.myisp.com"
++ Jean-Baptiste
This example will separate the names in oulook but when you double click on the 1st address,
it will display the 3 addresses in the window "display name".....
set |to| to {"address1; ", "address2; ", "address3; "}
Is there a way fix this issue?