I'm trying to automate the process of something I have to do manually at the moment. I'd like to take all album artwork from itunes, resize the images to 100x100 and then ftp/sftp them over to a web server. I'm trying to work out which parts of this are do-able with applescript and which are not.
A lot depends on what apps you're going to script. Here's how I would outline this workflow:
AppleScript tells itunes to generate a list of all album artwork in to be downloaded based on whatever criteria then save each image disk with a name based on artist/album
AppleScript tells image editing software (PhotoShop, Graphics Converter, Image Events) to open the image, change its size and save it
AppleScript tells ftp client (Fetch, Transmit, Shell) to upload image to specified server
I'm also looking for a good book on teaching the basics of applescript to using it more advanced too. Anyone have recommendations?
This one seems to set the standard:
For experienced Applescript users, the book is likely to be an essential .... www.oreilly.com/catalog/applescpttdg/ - |
Good luck with this and if you hit any roadblocks or need a jumpstart, you can always get advice from this list.
Speaking of advice, do you need to be concerned about what you're doing with copywrited material?
ES =