FYI, here's what I have for now. For multiple machines.
tell (do shell script "/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType | grep Resolution") to set {newR, newB} to {word 2 as number, word 4 as number}
tell application "Finder"
if exists application "System Preferences" then
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
end if
end tell
set imac to false
if newR > 1440 then imac = true -- larger monitor
tell application "System Events"
tell spaces preferences of expose preferences
set spaces enabled to true
set spaces columns to 3
set spaces rows to 3
set app_layout to application bindings
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.katoemba.calq|:1} -- and Calq in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.ranchero.NetNewsWire|:1} -- and NetNewsWire in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:1} -- and Finder in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:1} -- and Mail in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:1} -- and Safari in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:1} -- and Spotlight in space 1
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.satimage.Smile|:2} -- and Smile in space 2
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.transtex.texeditplus|:2} -- and Tex-Edit Plus in space 3
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.adobe.dreamweaver-9.0|:3} -- and Dreamweaver in space 4
set app_layout to app_layout & {|net.habilis.validator-sac|:3} -- and Validator in space 4
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:4} -- and Skype in space 4
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.tacosoftware.HTMLEdit|:4} -- and Taco HTML Edit in space 4
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:5} -- and iTunes in space 5
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:6} -- and iPhoto in space 6
if imac then set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.markspace.missingsync.palmos|:7} -- and Missing Sync in space 7
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:7} -- and iCal in space 7
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.hp.scanpro|:8} -- and HP.Scan Pro in space 8
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.lemkesoft.graphicconverter|:8} -- and GraphicConverter" in space 8"
set app_layout to app_layout & {|com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro|:8} -- and Acrobat.Pro in space 8
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:9} -- and Excel in space 9
set app_layout to app_layout & {||:9} -- and Word in space 9"
set application bindings to app_layout
end tell
end tell
Names from:
tell application "System Events" to get bundle identifier of every process
On Apr 21, 2009, at 7:55 AM, Steve Thompson wrote:
On 21 Apr 2009, at 14:28, Robert Poland wrote:
What's the secret to identifying the App that is targeted? I can't seem to get other than "Unknown".
tell application "System Events" to get bundle identifier of every process
It appears that there is no dictionary for expose preferences, any help here.
It's in the dictionary for "System Events"
Steve Thompson
Bob Poland - Fort Collins, CO