On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Bill Cheeseman wrote: In Leopard, the script put the front Finder window into list view, made the version column visible, and set the index (column position) of the version column to 2. The version column then appeared right next to the name column.
In Snow Leopard, the indexes of the following columns remain unchanged, so that I end up with two columns having index 2 and none having index 7. The column positions do not change, and the version column does not become visible.
Which prompted me to look at a handler I use to customize list view folders.
on setWindowAttributes(winRef) tell application "Finder" set current view of winRef to list view ignoring application responses set icon size of list view options of winRef to small set visible of column modification date column of list view options of winRef to true --< note 1 set visible of column creation date column of list view options of winRef to false set visible of column size column of list view options of winRef to false set visible of column kind column of list view options of winRef to false set visible of column label column of list view options of winRef to false set visible of column version column of list view options of winRef to false set visible of column comment column of list view options of winRef to true set uses relative dates of list view options of winRef to false end ignoring set sort column of list view options of winRef to modification date column --< problem set width of column name column of list view options of winRef to 300 end tell end setWindowAttributes ----------------------------------------------
It no longer works. The new folder shows the default columns and, it seems, you can't change that with applescript.
Note 1: If you change this line to 'false', then the mod date column remains visible, but the line marked "--< problem" errors with the message "Finder got an error: A column must be visible to make it the sort column."
This effectively cancels plans I had to release a new version of my shareware.
I do hope you are bug reporting this.