Re: AS Application
Re: AS Application
- Subject: Re: AS Application
- From: "Steffan A. Cline" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 11:06:47 -0700
- Thread-topic: AS Application
on 9/28/09 9:52 AM, Stockly, Ed at email@hidden wrote:
> I don't see a "save as dialog" in your script, so I'm not sure what you're
> referring to, but if the "path to me" is not returning the correct path, it
> may be the context the script is running in.
I thought I had included it since Yvan had replied. I've not yet had a
chance to implement his suggestions but here is the code as I have it now.
property allowedFileTypes : {"js", "css"}
minimizeFiles(choose file with prompt "Select a .js or .css file to be
minimzed." of type allowedFileTypes with multiple selections allowed)
on open filelist
end open
on minimizeFiles(filelist)
repeat with i in filelist
set originalPathAndFile to the POSIX path of (i as alias)
set pathToThisApp to POSIX path of (path to me) as text
tell application "Finder" to set ext to name extension of i
if ext is not in allowedFileTypes then
display dialog "The extension " & quoted form of ext & " is not
supported by the YUI compressor." with icon stop buttons "Bummer!" default
button 1
exit repeat
end if
set originalPath to split(originalPathAndFile, "/")
set originalPath to join((items 1 thru ((count originalPath) - 1) of
originalPath), "/")
set originalFile to getFilename(originalPathAndFile)
set newFile to split(originalFile, ".")
set newFile to join((items 1 thru ((count newFile) - 1) of newFile),
".") & "min." & ext
set newPathAndFile to originalPath & newFile
tell application "Finder" to if exists newPathAndFile as POSIX
file then set newPathAndFile to POSIX path of ¬
(choose file name with prompt "The default name for the
minimized file is taken. Please choose another name." default location
originalPath default name newFile)
set newFile to getFilename(newPathAndFile)
end try
set command to "java -jar " & (quoted form of (pathToThisApp &
"Contents/Resources/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar")) & " " & (quoted form of
originalPathAndFile) & ¬
" -o " & (quoted form of newPathAndFile) & " --charset utf-8"
do shell script command
display dialog "The file " & (quoted form of originalFile) & "
has been successfully minified. " & return & return & "The new file is
called " & (quoted form of newFile) ¬
with icon alias ((path to me) &
"Contents:Resources:yahoo.icns" as string) buttons "Awesome!" default button
on error errorMsg
display dialog "The file " & (quoted form of
originalPathAndFile) & " could not be minified because the following
error(s) occurred:" default answer errorMsg ¬
with icon stop buttons "Bummer!" default button 1
end try
end repeat
end minimizeFiles
on split(theString, theDelimiter)
-- save delimiters to restore old settings
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- set delimiters to delimiter to be used
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
-- create the array
set theArray to every text item of theString
-- restore the old setting
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- return the result
return theArray
end split
on join(theArray, theDelimiter)
set out to ""
repeat with i in theArray
set out to out & i & theDelimiter
end repeat
return out
end join
on getFilename(x)
set x to split(x, "/")
set x to item (count x) of x
return x
end getFilename
> If it's running from inside an application, via a script menu, then "me" may
> be a reference to the application, rather than the script itself and path to
> me would return the alias of the Application. If you save the script as an
> applet that should resolve the issue.
> HTH,
> ES
> On 09/28/09 6:45 AM, "Steffan A. Cline" wrote:
>> Aside from the file chooser not allowing anything issue under Swedish
>> localized OS, I came across another issue. My code seems to NOT be always
>> drawing the correct original path in the save as dialog. If the app opens
>> and saves the file with no user interaction, it works fine. This issue
>> happened with another user under Swedish localization.
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