Well with a little more research I have come up with the answer.
Thought I would share what I found as a way of saying thanks for your always being there..
set KWList to {}
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS2"
--set photoCaption to caption of info of document 1
--set dataall to properties of document 1
--set InfoList to info of document 1
--this Gets current list of "KeyWords"
set KWList1 to keywords of info of document 1
--This clears current "Keywords" and replaces them with "ByteMe"
set keywords of info of document 1 to "ByteMe"
--This reads "Keywords" to see if the replacement has taken place
set KWList2 to keywords of info of document 1
--This adds a "Keyword" to the existing list
set KWList3 to KWList2 & "Nice Talk"
--This writes the new "Keyword" List to the file
set keywords of info of document 1 to KWList3
--This reads the current "Keywork" list to verify the modification
set KWList4 to keywords of info of document 1
--This is a test to see if a "Keyword" is included in the "Keyword" list
if KWList4 contains "ByteMe" then
display dialog "One of the Keywords is <ByteMe>"
display dialog "Nope it ain't there!"
end if
end tell