I have a window positioning question.
How do I set the position of a window from a script and make it be retained?
I'll explain.
Using this script:
tell application "Finder" set nm to name of front window set bounds of window nm to {470, 120, 1220, 500} end tell
I can change the position of the frontmost Finder window. Once I close the window and then reopen it, however, it goes back to the original position. If I position it manually(drag it to a new location), close it and reopen it, the new position is retained.
BTW, I also tried this, but it makes no difference:
tell application "Finder" set nm to name of front window set bounds of Finder window nm to {470, 120, 1220, 500} end tell
So, how do I position a window in a script such that the position is retained when the window is closed and then reopened?
Also, where is this kind of stuff documented? Is the only way to find out about it by trial and error or does Apple have documentation on this?