set halfNote to 150
set fullNote to 75
set quarterNote to 300
set singingVoice to "trinoids"
set {mC, D, E, F, G, A, B, hC} to {"60", 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72}
set {cs, ds, fs, gs, aSh} to {61, 62, 66, 68, 70}
set thisIsMySong to {}
say "doe" pitch mC using singingVoice speaking rate fullNote
say "ray" pitch D using singingVoice speaking rate fullNote
say "me" pitch E using singingVoice speaking rate fullNote
say "fa" pitch F using singingVoice speaking rate halfNote
say "so" pitch G using singingVoice speaking rate halfNote
say "law" pitch A using singingVoice speaking rate quarterNote
say "tee" pitch B using singingVoice speaking rate quarterNote
say "doe" pitch hC using singingVoice speaking rate fullNote
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[ " & mC & " pbas ]][[" & "rate " & fullNote & " ]] doe"
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[" & "rate " & fullNote & " ]][[pbas " & D & " ]] ray"
set the end of thisIsMySong to "[[" & "rate " & fullNote & " ]][[pbas " & E & " ]] me "
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[pbas " & F & " ]] [[" & "rate " & halfNote & " ]] fa"
set the end of thisIsMySong to "[[pbas " & G & " ]] [[" & "rate " & halfNote & " ]]so "
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[pbas " & A & " ]] [[" & "rate " & quarterNote & " ]] law"
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[pbas " & B & " ]] [[" & "rate " & quarterNote & " ]] tee"
set the end of thisIsMySong to " [[pbas " & hC & " ]] [[" & "rate " & fullNote & " ]]doe "
set thisIsMySong to thisIsMySong as text
say thisIsMySong using singingVoice