Just an update on the EPS to PDF script if anyone intends to use it. The previous version would lock the system because the folder contents
of this samba drive wasn't being refreshed when adding files into the folder from Windows; Finder decided to go on a hard-drive thrashing frenzy requiring
a Force Quit. By 'touching' the folder(s) we refresh their content.
Job outstanding: If someone can adapt this touching to every item of theWatchedFolders I'd be quietly content! Atm I am happy to have it working. :)
global theWatchedFolders
property theWatchedFolders : {"Client info:Convert Me:"}
on idle
tell application "Finder"
repeat with y from 1 to count of items in theWatchedFolders
set theDetectedItems to every item of (item y of theWatchedFolders as alias)
if theDetectedItems is not equal to {} then
repeat with x from 1 to (count of items in theDetectedItems)
if (item x of theDetectedItems as string) ends with ".eps" then
do shell script "pstopdf " & the POSIX path of (item x of theDetectedItems as alias)
delete item x of theDetectedItems as alias
end if
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
delay 10
tell application "Finder"
do shell script "touch " & quoted form of "Volumes/Client info/Convert Me"
end tell
return 1
end try
end idle