On May 14, 2010, at 7:13 AM, Simon Topliss wrote: Luther, have you tried this? Have you got it working? No matter what I change in the Info.plist it doesn't make any difference as to whether the .app launches in 32 or 64 bit mode.
When you click the "Open in 32-but mode" in the "Get Info" window, it doesn't update the app's plist, it makes an entry in the launch services database.
I write all source code in Smile and compile all source code to an application bundle with AppleScript Editor in Snow Leopard. Your comment prompted me to check the Info.plist file in some of my applications.
ASE in Snow Leopard (10.6.3) always inserts the item:
LSMinimumSystemVersionByArchitecture Dictionary x86_64 String 10.6
into the Info.plist file. It does not write the LSArchitecturePriority list to the Info.plist file.
At the time the article was published, I tried using a modified Info.plist file, but I've forgotten the results. So, I'll try, again.
(long pause)
I ran a small application, without LSArchitecturePriority, in both SL and L, using Activity Monitor to determine 64 or 32 bit. In SL, the Kind = Intel (64 bit) unless the 32 bit box is checked in its Get Info window, in which case Kind = Intel.
I added LSArchitecturePriority to my application's project.plist file so that it shows up in the Info.plist file.
I could see no difference between SL and L. Perhaps LSArchitecturePriority is not required.
The document explains LSArchitecturePriority.