On 16/11/2010, at 12:41 PM, Alex Zavatone wrote: I'm using System Events to get access to the UI Elements of a table in a scrolling field in an app. There are 4 columns in the table. I'm able to access it just fine, but performance starts to crater as some time between one and one thousand rows in it.
So, I'm wondering about approaches here in accessing the data structure. I've already tried duplicating it and accessing the duplicate but that doesn't seem to help.
Anyway, I'm wondering about anyone's approaches in speeding up data access in these cases.
This is what I'm trying:
set myWindow to window 1 copy table 1 of scroll area 1 of myWindow to myTable set myRows to the number of rows of myTable set myList to {} repeat with myIndex from 1 to myRows set myRow to entire contents of row myIndex of myTable set myValue to the value of item 4 of myRow
It's taking about 2 to 3 seconds to get myValue. Does anyone have any approaches that might speed this up a tad? Thaaaanks,
- Alex Zavatone
G'day Alex
I struck a similar problem with Mail.
I had very long emails with a certain character in them "∎" that I wanted to color, and had a reference copy as a string to get the positions of the characters (as you do with the variable 'MyTable').
The trouble wasn't setting the color in the mail messages, the trouble was reading the x th value of the string where x was large.
So, I broke the string variable into chunks, and read each chunk. This is taken direct from my code. Hope it gives you some ideas. Doing this spend my coloring process from over an hour to mere seconds.
ContentCount is the length of the variable ie in your case, mytable
if colorFlag then set theCycleLoop to 400 if theCycleLoop > ContentCount then set theCycleLoop to ContentCount try repeat with x from 1 to ContentCount by theCycleLoop set y to x + theCycleLoop if y ≥ ContentCount then set y to ContentCount set tempstring to characters x thru y of the_content as text set thePosition to 0 set yy to (count of tempstring) repeat with xxx from 1 to yy if character xxx of tempstring = "∎" then if thePosition = 0 then set thePosition to xxx else set color of character (x + xxx) to theTextColor if thePosition ≠ 0 then set color of characters (x + thePosition - 2) thru (x + xxx - 1) of content to TheColor set thePosition to 0 end if end if end repeat if thePosition ≠ 0 then set color of characters (x + thePosition - 1) thru (x + xxx - 1) of content to TheColor end repeat on error errmsg tell application "Finder" say "error" activate display dialog errmsg end tell end try end if
And what, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...... Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged with numberless trillions of forms So that it might find itself innumerably
Sri Aurobindo