On Aug 18, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Luther Fuller wrote: This afternoon, I will be working on the other source script using SBT. We will see what happens.
I got around to it this morning. Here's what happened in Lion ...
I used SBT to compile a new application bundle for the other script I was testing. There were no errors. After an hour or so of testing I needed to recompile that script. On second use, SBT errored with: Error number = -1700 Error text = "Can't make Can't make some object into type some object."
Restarted; Tried again with no error; Tried yet again with same error.
Restarted; Tried again with no error; Tried yet again with same error.
Here's the handler that's giving me the error ...
on copyFolder(itemList, contentsDest) tell application "Finder" repeat with theItem in itemList set itemName to (name of theItem) as text set itemExists to (exists item itemName in contentsDest) set itemIsFolder to ((class of item theItem) is folder) if itemIsFolder and itemExists then -- item is a folder which already exists in destination if (count items of theItem) > 0 then set destAlias to (folder itemName of contentsDest) as alias --********* ERROR'S HERE ??????????? try set innerItemList to (items of theItem) as alias list on error set innerItemList to {(some item of theItem) as alias} end try my copyFolder(innerItemList, destAlias) end if else duplicate theItem to contentsDest with replacing end if end repeat end tell end copyFolder -----------------------------------------
contentsDest is an alias pointing to the Contents folder in an application bundle in temporary items.
At times, I think I've found the problem, only to find later that it reappears. (It's like passing in and out of consciousness.)
Anyone see anything, here?