I've been back (finally) into remote AppleScripting and am starting form the basics again with getting applications to launch and seeing what's permitted.
It seems that there are serious limitations on messaging remote applescript applications and even System Events.
For example, If I have an AppleScript that launches another app on a remote mac like so:
using terms from application "Finder"
set myApp to ("/Applications/Hi.app" as POSIX file) --as alias)
open myApp
end tell
end using terms from
Then my app will launch on the Stones mac just fine. However, if I try this:
using terms from application "System Events"
return "Hi."
end tell
end using terms from
I'll get an error -600, "Application isn't running". But of course System Events is running. With the "of machine" section, the script runs just fine on the target machine and System Events is in the process list.
tell application "System Events"
return the name of every process as list
end tell
Is there some new security model that prevents apps like System Events from being remotely executed, yet never gives you the correct error message?