On Jul 5, 2011, at 8:57 AM, Deivy Petrescu wrote: Can you check the .DS_Store file for the desktop. I believe there lies the problem, something cached that the finder has to display.
I rewrote the script and solved the problem with "client node" by telling the Finder to quit; delay; activate. I was thinking I might want to add this utility to my catalog of utilities, but decided against it when I discovered yet another problem ...
The Finder's Sidebar and Computer window do not recognize mounted disks which are invisible; and Disk Utility is confusing and difficult to explain. Unless you know about "Eject All" you will probably turn-off an external disk with an invisible disk still mounted.
Another question: I get a list of items for 'choose from list ...' with this ...
tell application "System Events" set diskList to disks whose visible is true and startup is false set idList to {} repeat with i from 1 to (count items of diskList) set idList to (idList & {id of item i of diskList}) end repeat end tell
where id of item i of diskList is text like this: "Work_Files,-101,2" Clearly this contains the disk name, but what is -101 and 2 ? I would expect the id of a disk to be just a number.
If anyone has a desire to make disk icons invisible, I'll post the script.