Check out code please
Check out code please
- Subject: Check out code please
- From: louie <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 11:45:57 -0700
Howdy all,
In the script below that I save as a application there is three things that I am concerned about. The first is that the dialog does not speak text when typing in the edit field. The next is a small delay I needed to code or I would randomly when running the scrip I would get a index out of range. The last one is I have to turn off then voice over to have the script work the next timed it is run. Any help in these concerned's would be very much appreciated.
I would like to thank hamsoftengineering for MouseTools.
apple script name
search the menubar for a menu name that can not be reached by voice over.
Richard L. Most better known as Louie
-- bring Finder to the front so there is a known menubar
tell application "Finder"
-- initialize variables
-- get the screen resolution
set {d1, d2, maxX, maxY} to bounds of desktop's window
-- the below will give a step of 16 pixels in a resolution of 1024
set step to maxX / 64
-- apple script starts count from zero
set x to maxX - 1
-- set y to the hight center of the menu bar
set y to 10
set stepCount to 0
set mouseToolsPath to (path to home folder as text) & "UnixBins:MouseTools"
-- get the name of the menu item to activate
set menuName to the text returned of (display dialog "Menu name" default answer "dropbox")
set volume with output muted
end tell
-- tell the user that the search has started
-- start the search of the menu bar
set x to x - step
-- is it time to tell user searching
set stepCount to stepCount + 1
if stepCount ≥ 10 then
set stepCount to 0
end if
-- move the mouse one step to the left
do shell script quoted form of POSIX path of mouseToolsPath & " -x " & (x as text) & " -y " & (y as text)
set volume with output muted
-- get the text under the mouse cursor
tell application "VoiceOver"
tell commander
perform command "describe item in mouse cursor"
perform command "copy last phrase to clipboard"
perform command "pause or resume speaking"
end tell
--output a bunch non speaking characters this will ensure that talking is stopped
output " "
end tell
-- need a small delay because some times we get a out of index error.
delay 0.1
-- get the text from the clipboard
set clip to (the clipboard as text)
-- check the text under the mouse cursor
-- if text under mouse cursor is the word help the cursor is in a area of the menu bar that can be reach by normal voice over navigation, no need to search any more.
if clip contains "help" then
talk(menuName & " not found")
tell application "VoiceOver"
tell commander
-- bring up the desktop
perform command "go to desktop"
--get off the menu bar
perform command "escape"
end tell
end tell
exit repeat
end if
if clip contains menuName then
The below code is to turn voice over off then on. This action is needed because the voice over cursor is moved when the mouse is clicked. The voice over cursor is forced out of the bounds that it is normally in, this causes the script not to work the second time or voice over to quit working. The action of turning voice over off and on fixed this bug.
tell application "VoiceOver"
delay 0.5
-- Now that voice over is reset continue
-- click the found menu name
tell mouse cursor
click once with left button
end tell
end tell
talk(menuName & " menu")
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
on talk(msg)
set isMuted to output muted of (get volume settings)
if isMuted is true then
set volume without output muted
end if
say msg
end talk
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