[While doing more testing on "Lion crashed by AppleScript"]
I've just discovered a bug in AppleScript Editor 2.4 supplied with Lion.Here is the test script ...
on run display dialog "Starting" end run -----------------------------------------
on idle beep return 1 -- wait for user to quit from Dock. end idle ------------------------------------------
on quit display dialog "Quitting" continue quit end quit ------------------------------------------
If you save this as a Stay Open application in AppleScript Editor 2.3 as supplied in Snow Leopard, it operates as expected. If you startup into Lion, it will also operate as expected.
If you remain in Lion and save as a Stay Open application with AppleScript Editor 2.4 as supplied with Lion, it fails to operate correctly. It simply launches; beeps once; quits. If you startup into Snow Leopard, it also fails.
The problem seems to be AppleScript Editor 2.4. It does NOT save Stay Open applications correctly.