Here's a stripped down version of the script.
(* windowviews - 6/8/2011 - *)
tell application "GraphicConverter7"
tell window 1 -- main window
hide tools -- need GC 4.4.1b or later
set {leftSide, topSide, rightSide, bottomSide} to bounds
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "k" using command down
delay 1
-- Position Toolbox
tell process "GraphicConverter" to tell window "Tools"
set position to {2345, 24} -- {(rightLimit - TBWidth), topmargin}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
--> Can’t set window "Tools" of process "GraphicConverter" to {2345, 24}.
--> System Events got an error: Can’t set window "Tools" of process "GraphicConverter" to {2345, 24}.