on moveToolsWindow(toolPalettePosition)
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "k" using command down
delay 0.01
-- Position Toolbox
tell process "GraphicConverter" to tell window "Tools"
set position to toolPalettePosition
end tell
end tell
end try
end moveToolsWindow
tell application "Finder" to set {fleftSide, fTopSide, fRightSide, fBottomSide} to bounds of window of desktop
set screen_Top_Right to {fRightSide - 65, fTopSide + 22}
with timeout of 0.02 seconds
tell application "GraphicConverter"
if window 1 exists then
tell window 1 -- main
hide tools -- need GC 4.4.1b or later
set window_Top_Right to {item 3, item 2} of (get bounds)
-- Enable to move tool palette to right side of picture window 1
moveToolsWindow(window_Top_Right) of me
-- Enable to move tool palette to right side of screen:
-- moveToolsWindow(screen_Top_Right) of me
end tell
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
display dialog "Error: " & errMsg & return & "Error Number: " & errNum
end try
end tell
end timeout