Before I start out on what I think, Il point out something If you press Command + Shift + #3, where do you get a desktop screenshot? It will go to Desktop, which is not allowed according to review guidelines. This has been happening for as long as I can remember, definitely Snow Leopard, and Leopard, possibly 10.4, so Lion has nothing to do with it.
About what I think:
I am on my first Computer I owned, I got a MacBookAir, used, one year old. It reached its thirds birthday, and then the hard drive failed. I don't blame anyone, every blog sit says hard drives will always fail, it is just when they will fail. I am writing this email in Lion, on the MacBook Air, though an external hard drive.
I like lion, I have nothing against it, Mission Control, Fullscreen Apps, iCloud. Everything so far just works.
I have never thought about switching to a windows, why? because I know any problems a Mac has will be x10 on a PC. I also took a look at the developer preview, and they overdid the boring green windows.
Sent from my (awesome) MacBook Air