Slight modification to what I first sent.
set x to (count of words of thisstuff) / 2
set y to 1 repeat while y is less than (count of words of thisstuff) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "} -- < added delimiters so the words are separated by spaces in the next line set thisParaSay to words y through (y + x - 1) of thisstuff as Unicode text say thisParaSay set y to y + x set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} -- < reset the delimiter to the default for applescript (nothing) display dialog "Continue?" giving up after 1 -- < this is the dialog box which will appear and allow you to continue. -- The "giving up after 1" pauses it for 1 second, then continues. You can remove this clause if you like. To abort, just choose cancel in the dialog. end repeat
On Jul 28, 2012, at 10:07 PM, dealTek wrote:
THANKS SO MUCH JAMES for you help!
set y to 1 repeat while y is less than (count of words of thisstuff) set thisParaSay to words y through (y + x - 1) of thisstuff as Unicode text say thisParaSay
----> now right about here I'll need something to check for abort key pressed like : like CMD-period… (so it says a bit then checks for abort key...)
Q: Can you enlighten me as to how to accomplish this part?
set y to y + x -- < put a dialog box in after this if you want a visual stop. end repeat