I save quite a lot of webarchive files - generally preferring them to printing-to-pdf for various reasons.
Since a lot of these are from the same sites and similar subjects I wanted to simplify the filing process.
Hence the appended script.
My first effort used the Satimage.osax for all the lookups and parsing, but I wanted to provide Jon Gotow (DF's developer) with a go anywhere vanilla version.
Presently I'm going to rewrite the vanilla version to use tools from the shell, so I thought I'd post this one to the list for anyone whose interested. (I'll post the new one later.)
Uses Keyboard Maestro to intercept the save keyboard shortcut (Cmd-S).
Looks for the domain of the front document.
Looks to see if there is an associated folder for that domain and if so uses Default Folder to switch the Save-Dialog-Location to that folder.
# Author: Christopher Stone
# Created: 2011-01-15 : 10:16
# Modified: 2012-02-01 : 12:18
# Application: Safari & Default Folder
# Purpose: Save to Specified Folders Using Rules
# Dependencies: Default Folder & keystroke-driven Applescript-runner utility like Keyboard Maestro.
property webArchiveFolder : ("" & (path to documents folder) & "Web Archives:")
property lookupTable : "
|apple.com| ;Apple;
|support.apple.com| ;Apple;
|mactech.com| ;MacTech.com;
|reviews.cnet.com| ;CNET;
|hints.macworld.com| ;Mac OS X Hints;
|lists.apple.com|macscripter.net| ;Applescript;
|trac.macports.org| ;MacPorts;
|macworld.com| ;Macworld;
|nytimes.com| ;New York Times (The);
|regular-expressions.info| ;Regular _expression_ Reference;
|techrepublic.com| ;TechRepublic;
|techsupportalert.com| ;Gizmo;
|thegeekstuff.com| ;Geek Stuff (The);
|tidbits.com| ;TidBITS;
|zdnet.com| ;zdnet.com;
#### NOT YET IN USE ####
property keywordLookupTable : "
|_javascript_| ;_javascript_;
|perl| ;Perl;
|regular _expression_| ;Regular Expressions;
|ruby| ;Ruby;
on FIND_REPLACE(findText, replaceText, srcText)
set oldTIDS to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to findText
set srcText to text items of srcText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to replaceText
set srcText to srcText as text
on DO_LOOKUP(lookupText)
set destinationFolder to null
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set lookupTextSplit to text items of lookupText
set lookupTextLength to length of lookupTextSplit
repeat with i from 1 to (lookupTextLength - 1)
set parsedLookupText to items i thru -1 of lookupTextSplit
set parsedLookupText to parsedLookupText as text
set parsedLookupText to "|" & parsedLookupText & "|"
if parsedLookupText is in lookupTable then
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {parsedLookupText}
set lookupResult to text item 2 of lookupTable
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {";"}
set lookupResult to text item 2 of lookupResult
set destinationFolder to alias (webArchiveFolder & lookupResult)
end if
end repeat
return destinationFolder
on error
error "Failure in DO_LOOKUP() Handler"
end try
tell application "Safari"
if front document exists then
return URL of front document
end if
on error
error "Failure in GET_SAFARI_URL() Handler."
end try
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set parsedURL to text item 3 of pageURL
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "www."
set parsedURL to last text item of parsedURL
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
return parsedURL
on SPLIT_TEXT(sourceText, deLimiter)
set oldTIDS to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to deLimiter
set newList to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTIDS
return newList
on error
error "Failure in SPLIT_TEXT() Handler of General Library."
end try
on SHIFT_DIALOG_DESTINATION(destinationFolder)
tell application "Safari"
if front document exists then
delay 0.1
tell application "Default Folder X Helper"
if IsDialogOpen then
if (GetCurrentFolder) ≠ destinationFolder then
SwitchToFolder destinationFolder
# Feature Reminder:
# SetSaveName "Some Custom Name"
end if
error "Failure in SHIFT_DIALOG_DESTINATION() Handler."
end if
end tell
error "Safari has no documents open."
end if
end tell
set pageURL to GET_SAFARI_URL()
set parsedURL to PARSE_URL_FOR_LOOKUP(pageURL)
set destinationFolder to DO_LOOKUP(parsedURL)
if destinationFolder ≠ null then
end if
on error errMsg number errNum
tell me to display dialog "Error: " & errMsg & return & "Error Number: " & errNum
end try