On 05/05/2012, at 20:48, Christopher Stone wrote:
BUT tell us what you want to accomplish in more general terms, so we can help you get there faster. Banging your head against the wall only gets you dain brammage.
You're going to chafe under Applescript's limitations. I suggest you get started
now with with either the
Satimage.osax, or Shane's
ASObjC Runner, or both. At the very least you want the regex.
Be sure to always use a try..on error statement (p. 207 of the Applescript Language Guide), so you get a glimmer of error help. I changed the display dialog statement below one to include a 'copy' (to clipboard) item.
You can also uncomment the 'clipboard' line to copy the error message to the clipboard directly and comment out the other stuff when you're debugging.
I changed your script slightly, and it works for me up to a 3rd level mailbox.
Let me know if you still have problems.
You're on Lion?
Whoa, nice work there, Chris. There needs to be a repository of this sort of stuff since it is rather difficult for a novice to track down the methods.
Just got Lion about three weeks ago. Had hung onto Leopard for ages, it seemed, but the handwriting is starting to appear on the wall for Leopard. Applications as well have become more Lion-oriented, at least for some of the most desirable apps I've looked for.
I will miss Fugu, but there are plenty of alternatives out there.
I'm pouring over your script and seeing quite a few details whose purpose isn't quite evident. I might be tossing a few queries out over the next little while if I can't research the meaning of the details. The devil is in the details, they say. I'm going to take a look at Satimage and ASObjC, thanks for that tip.
This list has proved most helpful. Thanks to all that have contributed.