This is on 10.7.4 (although there were similar issues on 10.7.3).
The entire contents of a folder dropped onto:
1 ~:Downloads:2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered):GIMP-2.8.0-SnowLeopard-Lion.dmg
2 ~:Downloads:2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered):Sends Correctly to BBEdit.scpt
3 ~:Downloads:2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered):Sends Incorrectly to BBEdit.scpt
4 ~:Downloads:2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered):Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg
BBEdit (sorted by file-type):
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Cocktail 5.3 (Lion).dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Cookie 3.0.1.dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/GIMP-2.8.0-SnowLeopard-Lion.dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Opera 11.64 (Intel).dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Skype
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Windownaut 1.2.dmg
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Do Not Track Plus
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Sends Correctly to BBEdit.scpt
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/Sends Incorrectly to BBEdit.scpt
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/LionDiskMaker
~/Downloads/2012-05-12-062705 (Gathered)/
The BBEdit-list is correct.
Here's the latest iteration of the droplet which has options for BBEdit, TextWrangler, and TextEdit.
If you put it in the Dock you can use the run-handler to test against the selection in the Finder as well.
on makeList(fileList)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
set _list to text items of (fileList as text)
repeat with i from 1 to (length of _list)
tell (a reference to item i of _list)
set (its contents) to ("" & i & " " & (get its contents))
end tell
end repeat
set _list to _list as text
tell application "BBEdit"
set newDoc to make new document with properties {text:_list}
end tell
# tell application "TextWrangler"
# activate
# set newDoc to make new document with properties {text:_list}
# end tell
# tell application "TextEdit"
# activate
# set newDoc to make new document with properties {text:_list}
# tell newDoc's text
# set font to "Menlo"
# set size to 14
# end tell
# end tell
end makeList
on open droppedFiles
end open
on run
tell application "Finder"
set sel to selection as alias list
end tell
end run
I'm relieved to know this problem is not unique to my machine/system, but the inconsistency with other people's experience is frustrating.