tell application "Mail"
set fetches automatically to false
set selectedMessages to (messages of mailbox "Spam Virus Mail" of mailbox "Personal" whose date received is less than today - (2 * days))
set messcount to (count of selectedMessages)
if (count of selectedMessages) is equal to 0 then
tell application "Finder"
display alert "No mail in the Spam Virus Mail mailbox is older than 2 days" message "Try running this script later on. Rob." giving up after 2
end tell
repeat with i from messcount to 1 by -1
set theSource to item i of selectedMessages
set background color of theSource to red
delete theSource
end repeat
end try
end if
end tell
tell application "Mail"
set fetches automatically to false
set selectedMessages to (messages of mailbox "Spam Virus Mail" of mailbox "Personal" whose date received is less than today - (2 * days))
set messcount to (count of selectedMessages)
if (count of selectedMessages) is equal to 0 then
tell application "Finder"
display alert "No mail in the Spam Virus Mail mailbox is older than 2 days" message "Try running this script later on. Rob." giving up after 2
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to messcount
set theSource to item i of selectedMessages
set background color of theSource to red
delete theSource
end repeat