IFTTT re-enabled their Twitter recipes, so I combined the script contributed by poster "Eraserhead" at MacRumors (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=185036) with the solution previously created at The Apple Schism (http://blog.no-panic.at/2011/07/25/the-apple-schism/) to re-deploy the routine for adding Tweets marked by you as Favorites to your Read Later list in Safari. It's possible to limit the action to only the first URL located in the automatically generated email, of course. There's an extra line to uncomment so you can run without the "using terms" construct for testing. If you'd like to contribute a more robust version, please do. Thanks.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theSelectedMessages
tell application "Mail"
--set theSelectedMessages to get selection
repeat with eachMessage in theSelectedMessages
set theurls to content of eachMessage
set thelist to {}
set startofurl to the offset of "http" in theurls
if startofurl is 0 then exit repeat
set count1 to startofurl --this counts the position in theurls string
set theURL4list to "" --this stores the URL as it is being recovered from the text
set theitem to item count1 of theurls --gets an individual character from theurls
if theitem is in {" ", ASCII character 10} then
set thelist to thelist & theURL4list --adds the url to the list
exit repeat
set theURL4list to theURL4list & theitem
end if
set count1 to count1 + 1
end repeat
set theurls to items count1 thru -1 of theurls as string
end repeat
repeat with aURL in thelist
tell application "Safari"
add reading list item aURL
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
Laine Lee