On Jan 17, 2013, at 3:22 PM, koenig.yvan wrote: I found the entire URL of the last PDF created thru Print as PDF in :
Macintosh HD:Users:yvankoenig:Library:Preferences:com.apple.print.custompresets.forprinter.Dell_Laser_Printer_3100cn.plist
in the property : com.apple.print.preset.settings > com.apple.print.PrintSettings.PMOutputFilename
As you may guess, the file is named according to the printer whose driver was used by the print task.
That is the definitive observation! It's the wrong place to store that info, since Print to PDF does not use a printer. And it's probably bad practice to try to set the users printer to set this info correctly.
NSNavlastRootDirectory apperently does not work as it used to.
I found NSSavePanelLastSaveDirectory, tested it, and found that it only works in File/Save, not in Print/Save as PDF.
In a version of my application from a couple of years ago, I required the user to install CUPS-PDF if they wanted this feature. (Saving an emlx file as a pdf)
It seems that the solution to my problem will be to return to using CUPS-PDF.
(Does anyone remember that System 5 came on a single floppy? Damn progress!)