# Dependency: Satimage.osax
on fndUsing(fndStr, returnStr, srcData, caseSensitive, regExFlag, wholeWord, allOccurrences, stringResult)
set findResult to find text fndStr in srcData case sensitive caseSensitive regexp regExFlag ¬
whole word wholeWord using returnStr all occurrences allOccurrences string result stringResult
on error
return false
end try
end fndUsing
set strA to "Smile 3.6.1 (build 710) full edition"
set strB to "Smile 3.7.0 (build 768) full edition"
if not (strA = strB) then
set _ver to fndUsing("Smile ([\\d.]+)", "\\1", strB, false
, true
, false
, false
, true
) of me set _build to fndUsing("build (\\d+)", "\\1", strB, false
, true
, false
, false
, true
) of me end if