On Oct 18, 2013, at 9:50 AM, Luther Fuller wrote: I have no clue why PLE will open in Lion on another Mac. But, I am curious.
On Oct 18, 2013, at 10:50 AM, Luther Fuller wrote:
Hi Luther,
I'm running PLE v5.3 under Lion v10.7.5, but that's because I'm still running Xcode v3.2.6. (I continue to maintain a couple of AS Studio apps and, so far, am too lazy/busy to update them to ASObjC.)
One can google for "xcode 3.2.6 lion" and find several ways to install the older Xcode under Lion or ML. There also are methods to have multiple versions of Xcode installed concurrently. While all the above are possible, they are unsupported by Apple and may not be wise. Luther, your trick of retaining the Xcode folder structure makes sense, but is also potentially risky.
As for me, I'm willing to take such risks to keep 3.2.6 going.
Stan C.