On Apr 9, 2014, at 3:16 PM, I wrote: This is very strange ????? It is as if some records aren't really records; or have an error in them; or something.
I think I see the problem ...
If you 'log system info' you get this record in the Console window:
{AppleScript version:"2.2.1", AppleScript Studio version:"1.5.2", system version:"10.7.5", short user name:"lutherfuller", long user name:"Luther B. Fuller", user ID:501, user locale:"en_US", home directory:alias "OS_X:Users:lutherfuller:", boot volume:"OS_X", computer name:"LBFmini", host name:"LBFmini.local", IPv4 address:"", primary Ethernet address:"40:6c:8f:44:e0:4b", CPU type:"Intel 80486", CPU speed:2300, physical memory:2048}
Notice that the record items have names that contain spaces. Perhaps this is causing a problem when one of the System Events commands in the handler. But, it does NOT cause an error. (I looked for that.)
The 'get volume settings' record will not write to a plist file and it has the same problem ... record item names contain spaces.