I was mistaken, I can get the path to the original file in Quicktime with "get original file of document 1"
However, this throws an "out of bounds" error:
tell application id "com.apple.quicktimeplayer" activate set original_file to get original file of document 1 set posix_file to quoted form of POSIX path of original_file set anNSURL to current application's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:posix_file set theAsset to current application's AVURLAsset's URLAssetWithURL:myURL options:(missing value) set theTrack to (theAsset's tracksWithMediaType:(current application's AVMediaTypeVideo))'s objectAtIndex:0 set theFrameRate to theTrack's nominalFrameRate() set theSize to theTrack's naturalSize() return {theFrameRate, width of theSize, height of theSize}
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