set original_file to get original file of document 1
set posix_file to POSIX path of original_file
set output to current application's NSURL's fileURLWithPath:(posix_file)
set theAsset to current application's AVURLAsset's URLAssetWithURL:output options:(missing value)
set theTrack to (theAsset's tracksWithMediaType:(current application's AVMediaTypeVideo))'s objectAtIndex:0
set FPS to theTrack's nominalFrameRate()
set theSize to theTrack's naturalSize()
set the size_text_wid to theSize's width
set the size_text_ht to theSize's height
display dialog "FPS = " & FPS & "
Width = " & size_text_wid & "
Height = " & size_text_ht
So the problem seems to be Quicktime. I suppose I should rewrite the whole thing in AVFoundation, but that is daunting