Re: file list as data
Re: file list as data
- Subject: Re: file list as data
- From: Emmanuel LEVY <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:25:29 +0200
Those who can use Satimage.osax will find the following entry in its dictionary:
glob v : list the files or the folders matching a unix pathname pattern
glob string or list of string : the pattern
[from alias] : the working directory. By default, the direct parameter must be a full posix path pattern
[invisibles boolean] : default: false
[of extension list of string] : the required file extension(s)
[not conforming to list of string] : the forbidden Universal Type Identifier(s) (UTI)
[after date] : list only items whose modification date is after the after date parameter
[before date] : list only items whose modification date is before the before date parameter
[names only boolean] : default: false
[as type] : string (URL), alias, unix path, path...
→ list of string or list of alias
On Jul 24, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Shane Stanley wrote:
> On 24 Jul 2014, at 7:12 pm, Christopher Stone <email@hidden> wrote:
>> I believe Shane's library here can be adapted to do the deed:
> No, that's not recursive. And it's probably not the most efficient way to filter by extension.
>> I thought he'd posted one to specifically return a recursive directory tree, but I can't seem to find it at the moment.
> He hadn't, but this will do the job:
> on searchDirectory:folderPOSIXPath forExtensions:extensionList
> -- make NSString of folder path
> set folderPathNSString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:folderPOSIXPath
> -- get file manager
> set fileManager to current application's NSFileManager's defaultManager()
> -- ask file manager for all subpaths recursively
> set theFileNSArray to fileManager's subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:folderPOSIXPath |error|:(missing value)
> -- filter the array according to extension
> set theFileList to (theFileNSArray's pathsMatchingExtensions:extensionList) as list
> -- combine subpaths and folder path to get full paths
> set finalList to {}
> repeat with aSubpath in theFileList
> set end of finalList to (folderPathNSString's stringByAppendingPathComponent:aSubpath) as text
> end repeat
> return finalList
> end searchDirectory:forExtensions:
> So:
> set folderPOSIXPath to POSIX path of (path to desktop)
> tell script "<lib name>" to set thePaths to its searchDirectory:folderPOSIXPath forExtensions:{"asobjcex3doc"}
> Using find is a whisker faster in my simple tests.
> --
> Shane Stanley <email@hidden>
> <>
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