Jeepers. That's one nasty bug.
set path_to_desktop to path to desktop folder
set my_img to (path_to_desktop as string) & "2028.jpg"
tell application "Finder"
file my_img as alias
end tell
--> alias "Ryoko:Users:chris:Desktop:002028.jpg"
Back to the alias method:
--> false
--> ~ 0.0005 seconds to process
on exTant(_path) # Takes an HFS, Posix, or ~/Posix path as input.
local _path
if _path starts with "~/" then
set _path to (POSIX path of (path to home folder as text)) & text 3 thru -1 of _path
end if
if _path starts with "/" then
alias POSIX file _path
else if _path contains ":" then
alias _path
end if
return true
on error
return false
end try
end exTant