is there a patch against “Shell Shock” for my system MacOS 10.6.8 bash version 3.2.48(1)-release (x86_64-apple-darwin10.0)
Hi all, someone out there knows about the ShellShock bug that can affect our Macs?
I read some articles and I found some patch in apple but just for Mac OS 10.9.
My Mac is running OS 10.6.8 and I don't find anything about it nor info, neither a patch, but I'm a little bit worried about it.
So my questions are
1.- Do I really need to worried about this bug? My Mac is not a server, and of course is alwasy connected to the internet.
2.- If the answer is "yes you need to be worried" ant of you knows how to solve this problem?
I found this page, that had a scrip in bash that the author suggest that you run if the test for vulnerability is positive, I run the test and I get "vulnerable" , so I run the bash script but nothing change.
I really don't know how to use bash or shel properly, so I'm blind at this moment, and of course I don't want to be hacked in any way.
Thanks for your help