Here is a sample script that displays my initial discoveries. Can anybody point me to documentation or discussion of this topic? I've already found discussion of iCloud Documents & Data in Mavericks, but I'm specifically interested in iCloud Drive in Yosemite. If anybody else is looking into this, do you have discoveries to share?
--iCloud Drive Test Script
--Bill Cheeseman 2014-10-22
-- Select iCloud Drive in a Finder window's sidebar and create a folder named "Documents" in it before running this script. Uncomment any line and run the script to test that line.
property userName : "cheeseb" -- change this to your user name
tell application "Finder"
tell window 1
-- return name --> "iCloud Drive" -- name of the Finder window when iCloud Drive is selected in the sidebar
-- return every item --> {folder "Documents" of folder "com~apple~CloudDocs" of folder "Mobile Documents" of folder "Library" of folder "cheeseb" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"} -- AppleScript can see user-created folders in iCloud Drive, but it can't see the application-created folders when accessing folder "com~apple~CloudDocs"
end tell
end tell
-- TEST ICLOUD DRIVE'S "com~apple~CloudDocs" FOLDER:
tell application "Finder"
tell folder "Library" of folder userName of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"
-- return every item of folder "com~apple~CloudDocs" of folder "Mobile Documents" --> {folder "Documents" of folder "com~apple~CloudDocs" of folder "Mobile Documents" of folder "Library" of folder "cheeseb" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"} -- these are iCloud Drive's user-created folders, such as "Documents"
-- return every item of folder "Documents" of folder "com~apple~CloudDocs" of folder "Mobile Documents" --> {document file "Backup and Sync Application Notes.rtf" of folder "Documents" of folder "com~apple~CloudDocs" of folder "Mobile Documents" of folder "Library" of folder "cheeseb" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder", ...} -- these are the contents of the user-created "Documents" folder
end tell
end tell
-- TEST ICLOUD DRIVE'S "Mobile Documents" FOLDER
tell application "Finder"
tell folder "Library" of folder userName of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder"
-- return name of every item of folder "Mobile Documents" --> {folder "243LU875E5~com~apple~movietrailers" of folder "Mobile Documents" of folder "Library" of folder "cheeseb" of folder "Users" of startup disk of application "Finder", ...} -- these appear to be OS X and iOS application-created folders in iCloud Drive, plus the "com~apple~CloudDocs" folder tested above.
tell item 1 of folder "Mobile Documents"
-- return name --> "243LU875E5~com~apple~movietrailers"
-- return displayed name --> "iTunes Trailers" -- this is the user-readable name of the data folder for the iTunes Trailers iOS app from Apple
end tell
end tell
end tell