Okay, I'm confused.
As I remember this failed when I tested it the first time, but it now works for me:
# Works for me...
tell application "Mail"
make new mailbox with properties {name:"Bar/Dandy/Jim"} -- Failed according to John Mitchell
end tell
I tested this sometime before that, and it worked. (After Brian's post about the response from Apple support.)
tell application "Mail"
make new mailbox at beginning with properties {name:"Testing Mailboxes/2015/01/02/03/04/Last Test Mailbox"}
end tell
This also works.
# Works for me.
tell application "Mail"
make new mailbox with properties {name:"Testing Mailboxes/2015/01/02/03/04/Last Test Mailbox"}
make new mailbox with properties {name:"Testing Mailboxes/2016/01/02/03/04/Last Test Mailbox"}
end tell