On 30 Aug 2016, at 6:28 PM, Bill Cheeseman <
email@hidden> wrote:
On Aug 30, 2016, at 3:00 AM, Brian Christmas <
email@hidden> wrote:
Anyone know of a way of determining an Apps accessibility without this try trap. please?
Thanks Bill.
Made some small changes, but it works fine. Could not find the answer anywhere.
For everyones info, my late 2014 27” i7 iMac has periodically partially frozen some 2 dozen times since new. Screen blacks our for 10-30 seconds, comes back on with mouse working, but no response. Things slowed to a glacial crawl, and fans started going full blast. Required a power switch reset to overcome it.
I’ve googled, and a lot of people have had the same problem. Also lodged a bug as to OS/hardware? No good answer from them, but lodged requested reports.
Contacted on-line assistance three days ago, & at their request did a clean install with Time Machine backup restore. Running El Capitan.
About 50% of the freezes were when running Safari, and the others at various times, with various Apps. So, I’ve written a 24/7 App that cycles through a set of Safari Pages, in the hope it will either re-freeze (so I can perhaps claim under my AppleCare), or never freeze, if re-install has fixed.
For posterity, here’s the script, and the Safari opener script. As you might see, I’ve little else to do (grin).
Darn it, this list only allows piddling sized posts. It’s waiting for ‘moderation’, which I know will get knocked back.
If anyone want a copy of my two Safari scripts, with Bills addition, contact me off-list, please.