I’ve tried ‘to’ but it does not have the same effect as ‘in’.
set the FileName to "AuburnAlumni LifetimeAchievement LARGE DIE LINE 121616_104500"
tell application "Adobe Acrobat"
open file ((path to desktop as text) & FileName & ".tiff")
set saveTheName to ((path to desktop as text) & FileName)
set saveTheAcrobatFilePath to saveTheName & ".tiff"
set pathToFile to saveTheAcrobatFilePath
set theFile to pathToFile as «class furl»
set fileRef to open for access theFile with write permission
do shell script ("sleep 1")
close access fileRef
tell application "Adobe Acrobat"
tell document 1
save to theFile —< Saves as a tiff, uncropped
end tell
close every document saving no
say 1
open file saveTheAcrobatFilePath — < opens as uncropped .tiff
# open theFile —< Same
end tell
end tell