use framework "Foundation"
set script1 to "tell script \"Configuration Utility\"" & linefeed & "CNFGgetHandlers()" & linefeed & "end tell"
set script2 to "tell script \"Configuration Utility2\"" & linefeed & "CNFGgetHandlers()" & linefeed & "end tell"
set theDate to current application's NSDate's |date|()
run script script1
set time1 to theDate's timeIntervalSinceNow()
run script script2
set time2 to theDate's timeIntervalSinceNow()
return {-time1, time1 - time2}
The first time I ran it, I got roughly {6.6, 0.3}. Subsequent runs, recompiling each time to force a new component instance, returned roughly equal times for both, around 0.05. Quitting Script Editor and relaunching it bumped it to around {0.4, 0.05} for the first time.
Recent but not the latest iMac, Fusion drive, too many apps..